Console Commands (Below Zero) (2024)

This article is about Console Commands in Below Zero. Click here for information on this subject in Subnautica.

Console Commands are a group of tools that adjust the player's experience outside the normal scope of Subnautica: Below Zero. These commands can be used for debugging purposes, to view partially-implemented content, or simply for player enjoyment.

Using these commands will disable all achievements and potentially impair the in-game experience! Make sure to save the game before using them!

The Console can be opened by pressing the Shift and Enter keys simultaneously.

The input box for Console Commands can be brought up by pressing several buttons on the controller at the same time.

Console Commands are not currently available on the Nintendo Switch.

Xbox One
PlayStation 4
Enable the Developer option
Console Commands (Below Zero) (1)+Console Commands (Below Zero) (2)
Console Commands (Below Zero) (3)+Console Commands (Below Zero) (4)

Developer Menu is also disabled on Nintendo Switch.

item [NAME] [#]

Adds a specified amount of a certain item to the player's inventory. Default number is 1.

  • Example: "item titanium 5" will add 5 Titanium to the player's inventory.
  • Not all items' spawn IDs are the same as their name. A complete list of items and their spawn IDs can be found here.
spawn [NAME] [#]

Spawns a specified amount of a certain object in front of the player. Default number is 1.

  • Example: "spawn hoopfish 5" spawns 5 Hoopfish in front of the player.
  • * Not all entities' spawn IDs are the same as their name. A complete list of entities/items and their spawn IDs can be found here.
baseflood [#]Floods all player-built seabases to designated percentage (meaning water level). 0 means not flooded and 1 means completely flooded.bobthebuilder


  • fastbuild
  • unlockall
  • nocost
  • fastgrow
  • fasthatch
  • and adds a Habitat Builder, Scanner, Survival Knife and a Repair Tool to the player's inventory.
bubblesSpawns several air bubbles around the player.charge [#]Charges all batteries in inventory to given percentage. 0 means completely uncharged and 1 means fully charged.clearinventoryDeletes everything in the inventory.coldToggles the effect of cold on the player.damage [#]Sets universal damage multiplier to player's choice.damagebaseBreaches all Seabases.ency [NAME]

Unlocks a specific data base entry. Example: "ency hoopfish" will unlock the Hoopfish entry.

Doing "ency all" will give the player all of the data bank entries, even ones not acquirable in-game yet.

fastbuildAllows the player to build modules quickly with the Habitat Builder.fastgrowPlantable flora will grow within a few moments when placed in any type of planter.fasthatchEggs will hatch within a few moments after being placed in an Alien Containment.fastscanReduces the scanning time when using the Scanner.fastswimToggles fastswim mode, which allows you to gain a large speed boost while holding Left Shift.filterfastReduces the time Water Filtration Machines take to filter.filtersaltCauses every Water Filtration Machine on the map to instantly fabricate Salt.filterwaterCauses every Water Filtration Machine on the map to instantly fabricate a Large Filtered Water.flyAllows the player to jump continuously while in the air.freezeFreezes all small fish similarly to the Brinewing.freezeplayerFreezes the player similarly to the effect of the Brinewing.goal [NAME] [NAME]Triggers the desired Story Goal. Each type of Story Goal has a different effect but the names of specific goals are only found in the game files. There are four types of goals: PDA, Radio, Encyclopedia, and Story. To use the command, write the type of goal as the first parameter and the name of the story goal as the second parameter. Note that if the desired goal is not of the PDA type or is not recognized at all, typing it under the PDA type will simply show dialogue text containing the name.

Usage: goal pda helloworld

goalreset [NAME]Unchecks a given Story Goal. Uses the same Story Goals as the goal command.hoverbikevariant1Changes all spawned Snowfoxes to variant 1, meaning they have infinite boost and increased jump height. Additionally, there is no maximum speed when using the boost; the Snowfox keeps accelerating without limit.hoverbikevariant2Changes all spawned Snowfoxes to variant 2, meaning they have infinite boost and increased jump height.hypnosisonEnables the Lily Paddler's hypnosis effect.hypnosisoffDisables the Lily Paddler's hypnosis effect.icewormhuntmodeoffTurns off Ice Worm hunt mode.icewormhuntmodeonTurns on Ice Worm hunt mode.instagibToggles instagib mode, which allows to player to one-hit kill all killable creatures.invisibleCreatures will ignore the player completely. Additionally, Vehicles will not take any hull damage from any source.killRespawns the player instantly inside the drop pod. Useful as a "teleport" feature. Do NOT use on Hardcore game setting.noblueprintsAllows the player to play with all Blueprints unlocked.nobubblesDisables the player's breath bubbles.nocostToggles unlimited, free use of the Fabricator, Habitat Builder, Mobile Vehicle Bay, Vehicle Upgrade Console and Modification Station whether the player has the required items or not.nodamageToggles damage.noenergyToggles power usage for all vehicles, tools as well as the Seabases.nohintsToggles game hints.nopressureToggles pressure effects on Seabases and Vehicles.nosurvivalDisables the player's requirements and removes sustenance value on items. Only applicable for Survival and Hardcore modes.ongoal [NAME]Completes a specified Story Goal. See the goal command for more details. Typing ongoal all will complete all Story Goals instantly.oxygenGives the player an unlimited supply of oxygen. If used after Oxygen has reached 0, it won't save you from dying.resetmotormodeForces the player into swim mode while in an underwater Architect Base.resourcesfor [NAME]Provides resources for any specific craftable items. Example: "resourcesfor knife" will give the player Silicone Rubber and Titanium.rotfoodRots all the food in the player's inventory.schoolfishrepulsedbyplayerToggles shoals fleeing from the player.seaglideSpawns an unpowered Seaglide in front of the player.shotgunToggles shotgun mode, which allows the player to kill creatures by right clicking on them.startexchangerquestGives you a Repair Tool and two Thermoses.story [NAME]Advances the current story to a designated point. The story command uses pre-made parameters to skip to specific points in the story, and the full list of commands is viewable when typing story on its own. A description of each command can be seen using the story help command.

The list of commands and appropriate description is as follows:

  • marg1
    • Walk uphill and out of the entrance of the cave to trigger the first encounter with Marguerit Maida.
  • buildalan
    • Go to the terminal and press the button to build Al-An.
  • sanctuary
    • Swim into Sanctuary Zero to hear the Architect talk to you for the first time. Head to the room at the back for the download sequence.
  • body1
    • Enter the precursor site and scan the object for Al-An's vessel.
  • body2
    • Enter the precursor site and scan the object for Al-An's vessel.
  • body3
    • Enter the precursor site and scan the object for Al-An's vessel.
  • fabricatorintro
    • Enter the fabricator base to hear the dialog for the first time. What you hear will depend on how many parts have been scanned so far and whether Al-An has been downloaded already.
  • endgame
  • downloadalan
    • Run this to complete all goals associated with playing through the Sanctuary.
  • marg2
    • enter the base from underneath the moonpool, go to the bulkhead door, open and enter
  • frozencreature
    • go to the frozen creature and take a sample.
  • radiosalvage
    • use the laser cutter to open compartments to find the item you need to scan to get the PPU recipe, which is required for building the TOM
  • marg3
    • Enter the Greenhouse to get Marg's congratulations.
  • hackradiotower
    • Climb the ladder to the upper level of the tower to attach the TOM, then head back down and press the Test Mode button on the terminal.
  • repairbridge
    • Head to the bridge, place the hydraulic fluid in the empty slot, press the button on the screen to extend the bridge.
story help [NAME]Shows the help description for given story command. See story command for list of commands and their descriptions.supplydrop [NAME]Initiates a certain drop. Example: "supplydrop briefing-disabled" initiates the supply drop that contains the Sector Zero briefing.
  • Type supplydrop with no supply drop name for the following list:
  • Supply Drops:
    • drop_bioscannersupplydrop
      • Contains the Bioscanner.
    • droplifepod
      • Drop a Drop Pod at Outpost Zero.
    • supplydropforbase
      • Drops a Drop Pod in the Shallow Twisty Bridges.
    • log_buildersupplydrop
      • Contains the Habitat Builder.
    • log_vesper_7
      • Contains 1 Filtered Water, 2 Nutrient Blocks, and a Data Chip containing the Seatruck Depth Upgrade MK1 blueprint.
    • log_dropdepthupgrade2
      • Contains 1 Filtered Water, 2 Nutrient Blocks, and a Data Chip containing the Seatruck Depth Upgrade MK2 blueprint.
    • briefing-disabled
      • Contains 1 Filtered Water.
    • log_spypenguinsupplydrop
      • Contains a Spy Pengling Remote.
    • testdrop
      • Contains various items.
    • testsupplydrop2
      • Contains 1 Power Cell.
    • test3
      • Contains various items.
supplydropallShows the list of supply drops.takedamage [#]Damages player's health% amount equal to value. Max health is 100%.unfreezeUnfreezes all small fish.unfreezeplayerUnfreezes the player.unlock [NAME]Unlocks a specific blueprint. Example: "unlock solarpanel" unlocks Solar Panels. Typing "unlock all" will unlock all blueprints.unlockallUnlocks all Blueprints.unlockallbuildablesUnlocks every blueprint used by the Habitat Builder.unlockdoorsUnlocks all forcefields in Architect Bases.
  • cambob
  • camerabobbing
Toggles camera bobbing.camshakeInitates a camera shake.collectPerforms a garbage collection script.debughoverbikeToggles the Snowfox debug menu. Only visible while riding a Snowfox.debugmusicLists music currently playing, if one is playing.debugstartmapPlaces 1000 black cubes at the starting area.entresetResets all loaded entities.farplane [#]Changes your viewing distance. 1000 is default.fogToggles in-game fog.fpsShows FPS.freecamAllows you to freely leave your character and roam the terrain, even fly through solid objects. Use the command again to go back to your character. (WARNING: Very sensitive movements, cannot open menu or inventory while in freecam. DO NOT use while seated in/on a chair or vehicle, this will make an irreversible bug, forcing you to reload to your last save, or saving, then reloading the save and then exiting the vehicle in order to fix it.) To manipulate freecam movement, use shift to accelerate. Pressing the numbers 1-5 also changes the speed at which you move.gameresetResets the terrain. WARNING! Do not use command while you are inside of a vehicleghostSame as freecam, except player model is teleported to camera position when cancelled rather than vice versa. Very useful for making size references.icewormForces all spawned Ice Worms to start their ground-exit animation, wait a few seconds, and subsequently return into the ground.interpolateToggles interpolation of player movement.killvehicleMakes all Seatrucks and their modules explode.limitshadow [#]Limits shadows to a certain radius around the player.listambienceLists all ambience files implemented in the game, as well as the biome ID they are associated with. Typing the command returns this list:
  • arctic_caldera (arcticCaldera*)
  • east_arctic (eastArctic*)
  • iceberg_interior_loop (EastArctic_IceBerg_Cave*)
  • iceberg_interior_loop (WestArctic_IceBerg_Cave*)
  • glacial_basin_bunker_loop (GlacialBasin_Bunker*)
  • glacial_basin_dark_cave_loop (GlacialBasin_DarkCave*)
  • fabricator_exterior (fabricatorcaverns*)
  • marg_base_exterior (margBase*)
  • deep_purplevents_amb (purpleVents_Deep*)
  • purple_vents (purpleVents*)
  • crashed_ship (wreck*)
  • crystal_caves (CrystalCave*)
  • frozen_creature_amb (GlacialBasin_CreatureCave*)
  • mining_site (MiningSite*)
  • tree_spires (treeSpires*)
  • thermal_zone (thermalSpires*)
  • lilly_pads (lilyPads*)
  • sanctuary (TwistyBridges_InnerCave*)
  • normal_cave (NormalCave*)
  • ice_cave (IntroIceCave*)
  • arctic_surface (arctic*)
  • kelp_caves (arcticKelp*)
  • kelp_background (kelpForest*)
  • surface_generic_background (*)
  • twisty_bridges (twistyBridges*)
nobloomRemoves bloom. Game restart needed to re-apply.noshadowsRemoves shadows. Game restart needed to re-apply.pcannonGives all objects that can be picked up by the propulsion cannon a blue glow, similar to the effect while scanning an object. Also enables the noenergy command.printbiomeShows on screen what biome the player is currently in.resetachievementsResets all achievements.ribToggles background running for the game.scene [NAME]Loads a scene based on the NAME parameter. Currently known scene filenames are...
  • Main
  • dbc
  • debugcreatures
Toggles the creature debugger.sizerefSpawns a model of Robin Ayou. Can be used as a size reference. Must be looking at terrain.skiptrackEnds the current playing track and moves onto the next.spikeytraphuntForces all spawned Spike Traps into hunting mode.spikeytraprestForces all spawned Spike Traps into resting mode.targetToggles target debug.targetframerate [#]Sets maximum game framerate.techtype [NAME]Prints the techtype for a given name.

Example: "techtype rock puncher" returns: "TechType for 'rock puncher' string is RockPuncher". Can be useful for acquiring debug spawn commands.

Note: if the command is successful, the given techtype will be placed into your clipboard.

vranimToggles VR animations.vsyncToggles VSync.weatherguiToggles the weather debug GUI.

These commands are no-longer functional, have no apparent in-game effect, or affect only something relevant to Subnautica and not Subnautica: Below Zero. All of these commands can still be found in the game's code. Descriptions of these commands may be guesswork, as their effects are often derived from game code.

abflipChanges Stopwatch profiler variant.addlocked [NAME] [#]Unlocks a partially-scanned blueprint. # refers to number of scanned fragments.animculloffTurns animation culling off.animstatDisplays status of animations.attacksubAffects the Cyclops submarine.autogctime [#]Sets auto garbage collection time.biomemusic [NAME]Changes current music to chosen biome's track.buoyoffDisables buoyancy.buoyonEnables buoyancy.clearhistoryClears console history.commandsLists all commands.countdownshipInitiates the countdown for the explosion of the Aurora's dark matter reactor.create [NAME]Creates a instance of the desired prefab.crushDamages all damageable vehicles.cureCures the player and all creatures in a specified range of the Kharaa Bacterium.cureplayergoaltriggerCompletes the "cure" story goal.cyclopsupgradesGives the player every upgrade for the Cyclops.damagesubDamages all damageable submarines.dbbfDebugging tool for base flooding.dblitCamera effect debugging tool.dbregionOutputs info about the current region.dbslotsEnables debug slots.dcstatsOutputs DC and entity statistics into the Subnautica: Below Zero folder.debugsoundDebugging tool for sounds.debugtempDebugging tool for temperature.decontaminateRemoves radiation from the map.destroycyclopsDestroys all Cyclops.dig [#]Removes all terrain around the player in a sphere with a diameter of # meters (max value: 100). This command can put a severe strain on the gameplay performance.disablepoolpurgeStops garbage collection.doormode [#]

Toggles Seatruck door mode.

  • 0 - None
  • 1 - Left
  • 2 - Right
  • 3 - Middle
dronesSpawns 40 test drones.dummy [NAME]Creates and manipulates a dummy.dumpgameobjectpoolCreates a text file containing all loaded GameObjects.ecoeventNo effect.ecostatsOutputs number of certain entities.enablepoolpurgeEnables garbage collection.endsessionOutputs "endsession cmd" in the debug log.entityslot [NAME]Creates a desired entity slot.entstatsOutputs entity statistics.equipmentGives the player Fins, a Standard O₂ Tank, a Compass, and a full set of radiation gear.eruptForces all geysers to erupt.evdbNo effect.evprofActivates event profiling.explodeforceCreates an explosive force on the Aurora.explodeshipInitiates the explosion of the Aurora's dark matter reactor.exportbytepooljsonExports JSON file of the byte pool.fishesGives the player a Holefish, an Arctic Peeper, a Bladderfish, a Garryfish, a Hoverfish, a Reginald, a Spadefish, a Boomerang, a Eyeye, and an Oculus.fixleaksFixes all seabase leaks.floodFloods every Cyclops on the map.forcerocketreadyAllows the Neptune Escape Rocket to be launched without disabling the Quarantine Enforcement Platform.
  • freedom
  • creative
  • survival
  • hardcore
Changes game mode to chosen type.gccForces garbage collection.hellofishAllows the player to re-activate the Cuddlefish's "goodbye" interaction.infect [#]Infects the player and all creatures in a specified range with the Kharaa Bacterium.infectionrevealPlays the animation of the player realizing they are infected with the Kharaa Bacterium.killent [NAME]]Kills certain entities.language [NAME]Sets language.launchrocketForces the Exchanger Rocket to launch.listmusicLists all music files implemented in the game, as well as the biome ID they are associated with. Typing the command returns this list:
  • arctic_background_music (arctic*)
  • kelp_background_music (kelpForest*)
lldetachDetaches all Lava Larvae.lock [NAME]Locks a specific blueprint. Example: "lock solarpanel" locks Solar Panels.logpendingitemsLogs all pending items.lootprobability [NAME] [#]Shows loot probability for a given biome, a given number of times.magicEnables nocost, gives the player a Habitat Builder, and unlocks all blueprints.nitrogenEnables the experimental nitrogen mode, which was an attempt to simulate the Bends.notificationadd [NAME]Adds a notification.notificationlistOutputs a list of notifications.notificationremove [NAME]Removes a notification.octreesOutputs total size of voxel data.osguiToggles large world streamer GUI.pdaintroPlays the PDA intro sequence.pdalog [NAME]Adds text to the PDA log.pendingitem [NAME]Adds a pending item.perfOutputs lighting data.photoprofile [#]Starts the Stopwatch profiler.phototour [#]Starts a photo tour.playerinfection [#]Advances the infection to a certain point.playsunbeamfxPlays the second part of the Quarantine Enforcement Platform shooting down the Sunbeam event.precursorgunaimPlays the entire Quarantine Enforcement Platform shooting down the Sunbeam event.printstorygoalsOutputs all completed story goals.pulseradioForces the Radio to pulse.radiationToggles radiation.randomstartTeleports the player into Lifepod 5 and respawns Lifepod 5 at one of its initial spawn point locations at random.recordtour [#]Records the active photo tour.resizestorage [#] [#]Resizes the inventory to the desired dimensions.resstatsOutputs RES statistics.restorecyclopsConverts every Cyclops wreck on the map to a functional (but damaged) state.restoreshipReturns the Aurora to its original form. Turns on radiation.rigidsOutputs a count of all rigidbodies in the scene.savestartmapOutputs a copy of the start map to the Subnautica: Below Zero folder.schoolfishaiToggles shoal AI.schoolfishrepulsorToggles shoal repulsor.sealSets player to 5x speed.seamothupgradesGives the player every Seamoth upgrade.seeallDisables fog of war.setwpcage [#]Sets the age of a creature in the Alien Containment.shaderkwSets the shader keyword.sharkSets player to 10x speed.showresourcesOutputs a list of resources.sonicSets player to 50x speed.spark [#]Places the player exactly where they currently are.spawnperf [#]Performance related command.startsunbeamstoryeventActivates the Sunbeam story event.stopphototourStops the current active photo tour.stoprecordingStops recording the current photo tour.stopwatch [NAME]Toggles the stopwatch profiler.subtitles [NAME]Adds subtitled text.sunbeamcountdownstartActivates the Sunbeam countdown.swimx [#]Sets the swim speed multiplier.textexceptionTests a Unity Exception error.togglewaterfrustumcullToggles water frustum cull.togglewatershadowcastToggles shadow from water.togglewatershadowreceiveToggles shadow water receive.traceTests a raycast.translationkey [NAME]Shows the translation key for the given string.unlockforced [NAME]Forces the unlock of a blueprint.vfxToggles Cyclops smoke.viewmodelsLists all models in the layer.warpmeWarps the player to the last safe zone.
Console Commands (Below Zero) (2024)


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.